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The game has two modes – Template mode and User mode. The Template mode supports sound, it has 3 gameplays and each of them has 3 difficulty levels - 12, 14 or 16 images. Images, words and sounds are associated with animals. The game has the following gameplays – word-word, image-image, image-word. In the word-word gameplay, you need to find cards with the same words, in the image-image gameplay, you need to find cards with the same images, in the image-word gameplay, you need to match the card with the image with its name. When you select a card, you hear the animal name in English. Thus, this game can be used for teaching purposes. The User Mode also has 3 gameplays and 3 difficulty modes. But in this mode you need to design the game yourself, add the images and words you want. Using this mode, you can easily add your own words and images and customize the game to explore the topic you need. Each of the three gameplays gives a short and simple instruction that tells you how to use them. Please note that this mode does not support sound, all other game features and rules coincide with the Template mode.